Welcome to Year 4


Welcome to Year 4 2023-24

Juniper Class

Chestnut Class

Mr Jones


Mrs Ford


Juniper Class

Chestnut Class

Juniper Class

Chestnut Class

Mr Jones


Mrs Ford


Mr Jones


Mrs Ford


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What we are learning

Autumn - 2023

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Spring - 2024

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Autumn - 2023

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Spring - 2024

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Summer - 2024

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Summer - 2024

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What we are reading

Secrets of a Sun King, By Emma Carroll

It’s November, 1922. In a valley in Egypt the tomb of a long dead pharaoh is about to be discovered. The world watches and waits for news with baited breath. Thirteen-year-old Lilian Kaye, who lives in a flat above a shop in London, is eagerly following the story. One morning the news takes a sinister turn: a man- a famous Egyptologist- disappears. All that remains of him are his feet. Then Lil’s grandfather is taken suddenly ill, and when a mysterious package turns up for him from the Egyptologist, Lil starts to believe there is truth to the rumours of a pharaoh’s curse.

Secrets of a Sun King, By Emma Carroll

It’s November, 1922. In a valley in Egypt the tomb of a long dead pharaoh is about to be discovered. The world watches and waits for news with baited breath. Thirteen-year-old Lilian Kaye, who lives in a flat above a shop in London, is eagerly following the story. One morning the news takes a sinister turn: a man- a famous Egyptologist- disappears. All that remains of him are his feet. Then Lil’s grandfather is taken suddenly ill, and when a mysterious package turns up for him from the Egyptologist, Lil starts to believe there is truth to the rumours of a pharaoh’s curse.

To link with Year 4's Europe topic and their work looking at famous landmarks, the children took part in an outdoor enrichment day where they created a fantastic willow sculpture of local landmark 'Chesterton Windmill'.

As part of this day they researched and found out all about the windmill and created a sway presentation about it. They also did a still life sketch of the windmill. The children were supported by Chaz from Wayside Willow to create their willow sculpture and learnt news skills of willow weaving. 

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